Is Kylie Cosmetics cruelty-free? Does Kylie Cosmetics test on animals? Kylie Cosmetics was created by Kylie Jenner. While they initially launched with liquid lipsticks and lip liners, the line has since expanded into complexion and eye products too. You can find Kylie Cosmetics at Ulta and Selfridges. There are plans to expand to more UK and Australia retailers too. But is Kylie Cosmetics cruelty-free? Curious to know what’s currently going on with Kylie Cosmetics? Are they cruelty-free? Are there any vegan options from Kylie Cosmetics? Find out what their current stance on animal testing is in this post as well as information on the Kylie Cosmetics vegan product options. Remember to use #LogicalHarmonyApproved on Instagram to show off all of your Logical Harmony Approved picks, purchases, and looks! Make sure to follow me on Instagram and subscribe on YouTube as well.